Saturday, August 12, 2006

Props to the boys who holla...

So, today we are talking about Love...well, something that I love, and I love boys who holla! I was shopping again today. Alright, alright, it is becoming an addiction. But, that really isn't the point. Todays point is the boys who holla. I am not really sure if it is like this all over America, but the bay area has boys who like to holla. Now, I am not a ghetto child, and my speech is well... a bit proper thanks to my European raised father, but I still love me some ghetto slang...teehee. I especially love it when guys holla at girls.
Now, in the bay area, a holla definately isn't a whistle or a disgusting comment as a girl walks past. No, no, tsk...tsk... to all of those boys who think that that is the way to do it. Are you insane? You actually think girls like that? Please... You see, there is an art to it all, and today a nice guy named JB came up to me and holla'd in the best way I have seen in well...months.
JB first started with an, " Excuse me miss, may I speak to you for a minute." What I love about that opening line was that it came through gold plated teeth! I lied and told JB that I had a boyfriend, and his smart reply was, " I don't mind, I could still be your friend." And, JB has scored some additional points on the HOLLA rictor scale! JB proceeded to tell me that I was beautiful....oh it just keeps getting better, and then he started to tell me where he was from, Oakland, and that he really likes this place, San Francisco. After chatting for awhile JB tried to convince me that I should give him my number so that he could take me out, he thinks that I should keep my options open even though I have a "boyfriend." Well, I was rather impressed by JB, he was not only a smooth talker, but he wasn't too in my face, if you know what I mean. So, I rewarded him and we made hot passionate love right there on the sidewalk in the middle of San Francisco....Just kidding. I actually took JB's number, I thought that giving him mine was a bit too much, and if I gave him my number then that would mean that I couldn't Holla Back!


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