Saturday, August 19, 2006

A space of your own...

Now that college time is quickly approaching, (it is 6 days away for me.) I keep thinking about my dorm room, and how I am going to trick it out Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds style. With all of this thinking I have come up with some really great, and affordable ideas. Soo.... today's post is dedicated to the dorm room. A room that your parents will probably never see, so if you want to, you can hang up naked women all over your wall, but if you are going for a more chic look here are some tips that I am sure you will love. Just make sure to make your room your own, that is the whole joy of decorating!
Oh the list...
1. Let's start with your bed. Mix patterns! Get striped sheets and polka dot pillows. All of the energy in your room will, in turn, energize you, but for when you want to relax make sure that you have alot of comfortable pillows.
2. Get a plant. This will make your room look fresh even in winter time. Plus, taking care of something, like a plant, will make you feel like you have a pet! Well, sorta...
3. Get old screen tees from the days when you were obsessed with all things Abercrombie and frame them. This will give your room a unique vintage feel. And I bet people will ask where you got the cool posters!
4. Get artwork from friends who paint or draw. You never know if that stuff will be worth a ton one day, and it is just plain cool to support your friends.
5. Frame cd covers or old records. Some of the best art is on them!
6. Do you have any funky shoes hanging around? They make great pencil holders and bookends! And, I just dare you to use them as a toothbrush holder! Now that is funky!
8. Get a whiteboard for your door so that your friends can leave you little messages when they can't catch you in your room.
9. Going to school in the big city? Turn your desk into a piece of pop art and cover it with metro cards.
10. Buy a polaroid camera and take a picture of everyone who comes into your dorm room. Decorate your door with the pictures.

Have fun decorating your dorm room guys! And when you are done have a little house warming. It is a great way to meet your new school mates!


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