Saturday, August 19, 2006

A space of your own...

Now that college time is quickly approaching, (it is 6 days away for me.) I keep thinking about my dorm room, and how I am going to trick it out Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds style. With all of this thinking I have come up with some really great, and affordable ideas. Soo.... today's post is dedicated to the dorm room. A room that your parents will probably never see, so if you want to, you can hang up naked women all over your wall, but if you are going for a more chic look here are some tips that I am sure you will love. Just make sure to make your room your own, that is the whole joy of decorating!
Oh the list...
1. Let's start with your bed. Mix patterns! Get striped sheets and polka dot pillows. All of the energy in your room will, in turn, energize you, but for when you want to relax make sure that you have alot of comfortable pillows.
2. Get a plant. This will make your room look fresh even in winter time. Plus, taking care of something, like a plant, will make you feel like you have a pet! Well, sorta...
3. Get old screen tees from the days when you were obsessed with all things Abercrombie and frame them. This will give your room a unique vintage feel. And I bet people will ask where you got the cool posters!
4. Get artwork from friends who paint or draw. You never know if that stuff will be worth a ton one day, and it is just plain cool to support your friends.
5. Frame cd covers or old records. Some of the best art is on them!
6. Do you have any funky shoes hanging around? They make great pencil holders and bookends! And, I just dare you to use them as a toothbrush holder! Now that is funky!
8. Get a whiteboard for your door so that your friends can leave you little messages when they can't catch you in your room.
9. Going to school in the big city? Turn your desk into a piece of pop art and cover it with metro cards.
10. Buy a polaroid camera and take a picture of everyone who comes into your dorm room. Decorate your door with the pictures.

Have fun decorating your dorm room guys! And when you are done have a little house warming. It is a great way to meet your new school mates!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Not so vintage vintage...

The fact that I am moving out of the country and going to college, has made me wan to simplify my life. i figured out about a month ago that I very well couldn't bring all of my books with me, or all of the clothes that I have had since age 10. It just seems impractical if you know what I mean. Sooo...I decided to declutter, simplify!
The decluttering process has brought me to alot of vintage clothes and book shops. When I first started going I decided that I didn't like those places. They always smell of dust, and, I'm not really a germaphobe, but the idea that a million people have been touching the merchandise in those places just sorta freaks me out. But, the thing is, when you start to frequent these places, you pick up some cute earrings here, a perfectly retro hat there, and then you tend to get lucky. The other day I got very lucky...
I took some old books to a used books store to sell, I ended up not selling them, but getting store credit. Does anyone else find this ironic? I took these books to the store to declutter, and I ended up getting money to buy more books! I was forced to shop. So, I set aside a day, and went shopping!!! Have I mentioned I love to shop? ( Ok, someone just call the police, I need to be locked up.)
I started in the art section. I wanted to find an anthology on Annie Liebowitz or David Lachapelle...two of the best photographers of our time. I found a book on Annie Liebowitz, but it seemed a bit old...I think that's the point of a used book store, but whatever. I browsed in the music section...eehhh, nothing too interesting. Then, I worked 5 steps to the right. Records!!!!!!!!! I am a total record freak. I think old records are just fabulous. The art on them tend to be so much more interesting than cd covers today, mainly because cd covers are just pictures that are too small. I started to search through the records and I ended up finding three Clash records!!!!!!!!

Here they are, above, in all of their glory. You can't believe what a find these were. Especially the London Calling Album, for 13 dollars. I almost screamed. Have your people call my people. Let's do lunch...

My next find was just too much to handle. Here it goes. A double album by The Who... The Magic Bus and My Generation. Here comes the pictures. Hold on to your keyboards...

Oh yes, I know, they are beautiful. Teehee. Let's just say, I got lucky. I got really really lucky. And, in short, that is what used book stores and used clothing stores are all about. They are about the stories that you tell your friends when they tell you that they love your new military jacket. "Oh you like it? I got it for 20 bucks at a vintage shop. Yeah, I know it's great! I just got lucky, I guess."

Vintage shops don't smell that great, and sometimes you may walk out with nothing, or you may walk out with a whole lot of something. That's the fun of it. So, go out there, just enjoy. I am sure that we can all afford to save a little money and put a little individuality in our lives. So get out there! Shop. And, don't get discouraged. You'll find a whole lot of something at some point...

This is Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds here reminding you all that Iggy Pop was way cooler than he is now.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Nights with Sebastien...

Today's post is dedicated to Sebastien, a man I hold dear to my heart, His voice is the last thing I hear before I go to bed everynight, He goes wherever I go, and does whatever I do, He is just the perfect guy.... "sigh."
Now, before you start thinking that I have a boyfriend that I am completely infatuated with, let me explain who Sebastien is. Sebastien is a wonderful french man that I have never met before in my life. But, if I was passing him on the street, and heard his voice I would know exactly who he is. Sebastien is my podcast french teacher.
Let it be known that Itunes does alot of things wrong. For example...1.They make you buy whole soundtracks when you only want one song. 2.They put songs under the wrong artist. 3. They haven't put up SexyBack!( WE WANT SEXY BACK! WE WANT SEXY BACK!) 4. They are secretly poisoning us all with subliminal messages...( ok, ok I can't prove that, but you have to admit that we all look like robots walking around with the white strings coming out of our ears.) In short, Itunes isn't perfect, but I do think podcasts are a damn good idea. Especially The French Podclass. I used to live in France and go to school there, and I have actually learned more by listening to The French Podclass then I ever learned in the three years that I studied there...that may be because I went to class everday with a hangover while I was there, but frankly I think that is besides the point. The point is that Sebastien is great, he isn't afraid to be dorky and sing to us...(Sebastien, darling, you are completely and utterly tone deaf!)...he makes us listen to sometimes cool, sometimes uncool french music, and he teaches us about the french culture as well as the language. Sebastien is the whole package, and his accent is kinda cute. Teehee.
So, if any of you out there are looking to pick up a new language, such as french, try The French Pod Class, you definately won't be dissapointed. But, if french isn't your foreign language of choice you can find podcasts that teach you Spanish, Italian, and even Japanese! There are also tons of other great podcasts...If you are looking for a good music podcast check out Bands Under The Radar and Indiefeed, and if you are looking for some really funky lounge music try DJ House Foundation. A good fashion podcast is MODTV: Fashion Television. Another one that I like for tips about photoshop is Photoshop "Quicktips."
So, get out there, go download those podcasts, they are actually free. Which is rather nice considering that, if you are like me, you are downloading about 10 dollars worth of songs a day...( I's a problem!)
Untill tomorrow, my lovely blog readers. Just remember, Janet Jackson should retire and milk is still good 2 days after its expiration date...

-Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

Sunday, August 13, 2006

"The List"

Today is our very special music day. The top ten list of this week. Some of these bands you may know, and some of them you have probably never heard of before in your life. But, they are all pretty fun, and I chose them, not just for their music, but for their style. All of these bands are tres cool. Now, there is one fluke in the list...try to find it! Teehee

Pretty Girls Make Graves. What can I say about this band, except that I freakin' love them. I was lucky enough to catch one of their shows last year when they were touring with Death Cab For Cutie. This band made Death Cab seem like an absolute snooze fest. Their energy was amazing, and I have been listening ever since. The song I have picked from them this week is their new song PARADE. This song makes me want to be a maid, just so that I can go on strike. This is a working class anthem for our generation. Bravo Pretty Girls! Bravo!

2. Oh The Raconteurs! I admit, I don't know much about this band, but I love the grit in their first single Steady As She Goes. I am a sucker for irony, and the meloncholy sweetness of their lyrics and the twilight zone feeling that I get when they pluck at the guitar strings, feeds my appetite for all things ironic. On a side note, I am a definate francophile, and their name, which translates into The Storytellers, makes me like them even more. Oh The Storytellers! Well, I would definately want these guys to tell me a bedtime story, ensuring that my dreams would be sufficiently sardonic.

3. Phoenix.
At first I didn't like this band, mainly because I didn't like the fact that they sang in English. I like my french bands...well, french. But, on second thought, or listen that is, Phoenix directly reflects their home town of Paris. By saying this I mean, that Parisiens can take all things American, or even English and make it better... in short, french. Even though all of Phoenix 's lyrics are in English, they feel french. Which, I guess is the point. My pick for Phoenix is Lost and Found, a good song to listen to when you want someone that you just can't get along with. This song makes sense of a wierd situation, and feels damn good.

4. The Libertines. It's been a long time since the band released their last and final album, and although I can listen to Pete Doherty's Babyshambles, I still like listening to this band for old time's sake. My favorite song is The Boy Looked At Johnny. It just makes you want to get smashed and wander around New York City. Oh the joy of singing when you are completely trashed. The Libertines make it sound good, real good.

5. If you were to come up to me and ask what my favorite band is I would appropriately reply, "The Clash!" The Clash is anti my other favorite band The Beatles, but that doesn't stop me from loving them. The song that I have picked this week from The Clash is Jimmy Jazz. Let it be known that everytime that I listen to The Boy Looked At Johnny I have to follow it up with Jimmy Jazz. The songs just seem too coexist in worlds apart for me. If you listen to these songs, please listen to them together, and just dance. Oh, and light a cigarette or something!

6. Babyshambles. I must seem to really like all things British upon looking at my list for this week, and, well I do, when it comes to music. Fittingly my favorite song by Babyshambles is La Belle et La Bette, which satisfies my need for all things French. I am definately happy with this song. It gives me the creeps in a good way. Let's just say if I was to make a movie where a girl kills her boyfriend, this would definately be playing in the background. It just feels so wrong that it's right.

7. Boutique Chic. Directions. 1. Put on the funkiest clothes you own. 2. Do your hair up something wicked. 3. Pour yourself a maritini. 4. Play Boutique Chic's Gerard et Geraldine. 5. Feel hot as hell.

8. There is nothing metal about The Eagles of Death Metal. That is a good thing, because I am not really a fan of anything that doesn't have a melody. The first time I heard The Eagles of Death Metal was here in San Francisco when they were opening for Peaches. I like. I like alot! The lead singer is definately channeling a funkier and less gay version of George Michael. Their sound makes me want to skip, jump, hop, dance, sweat, and above all, rock hard. The Eagles of Death Metal, make me love metal, the melodic kind that is.

When I think of Texas I think of all things country, and all things cowboy. Shanghai 5 is far from either of these associations. Shanghai 5 produces a type of lounge music that definately isn't boring to listen to. Their lyrics keep you listening, while their melodies keep you entranced. Shanghai 5 makes you want to see the whole world as a silent film. Charlie Chaplan and Jean Harlow would be proud.

10. Oh Justin Timberlake. Don't hate me because I am a fan! I have heard his new song once, and I haven't been able to find it since. So, I conclude that the main appeal that this song has is that no one can get it. Now, that is sexy, Sexy Back! JT is playing hard to get. I love the chase. Teehee. In a couple of months I will hear this song every five minutes and end up hating it, but for now I am in love.

That is the list for the week. Listen, Download, Dance, Sing, Have some fucking fun, and Enjoy. See you tomorrow!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Props to the boys who holla...

So, today we are talking about Love...well, something that I love, and I love boys who holla! I was shopping again today. Alright, alright, it is becoming an addiction. But, that really isn't the point. Todays point is the boys who holla. I am not really sure if it is like this all over America, but the bay area has boys who like to holla. Now, I am not a ghetto child, and my speech is well... a bit proper thanks to my European raised father, but I still love me some ghetto slang...teehee. I especially love it when guys holla at girls.
Now, in the bay area, a holla definately isn't a whistle or a disgusting comment as a girl walks past. No, no, tsk...tsk... to all of those boys who think that that is the way to do it. Are you insane? You actually think girls like that? Please... You see, there is an art to it all, and today a nice guy named JB came up to me and holla'd in the best way I have seen in well...months.
JB first started with an, " Excuse me miss, may I speak to you for a minute." What I love about that opening line was that it came through gold plated teeth! I lied and told JB that I had a boyfriend, and his smart reply was, " I don't mind, I could still be your friend." And, JB has scored some additional points on the HOLLA rictor scale! JB proceeded to tell me that I was beautiful....oh it just keeps getting better, and then he started to tell me where he was from, Oakland, and that he really likes this place, San Francisco. After chatting for awhile JB tried to convince me that I should give him my number so that he could take me out, he thinks that I should keep my options open even though I have a "boyfriend." Well, I was rather impressed by JB, he was not only a smooth talker, but he wasn't too in my face, if you know what I mean. So, I rewarded him and we made hot passionate love right there on the sidewalk in the middle of San Francisco....Just kidding. I actually took JB's number, I thought that giving him mine was a bit too much, and if I gave him my number then that would mean that I couldn't Holla Back!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Ode to Kurt Cobain...

You might think that this post is about music considering the fact that our topic of the day is Kurt Cobain, but it is actually about fashion. Back to school time is approaching rapidly, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils is in the air, and the malls are packed with reluctant students shopping for the latest trends. It is officially back to school cool time.
Although we hate to admit it, we all want to look great on the first day of school, including myself. Today I was one of the "reluctant" students...well, not really, considering the fact that I am now, officially, a college student, and school couldn't seem more cool to me. My college days are going to be spent in jolly ol' London, a place nothing like my native California, so it is safe to say that my school shopping went a bit differently than it has in the past. Instead of cute tees I was looking for sweaters that didn't look lumpy and frumpy, instead of skirts I was hunting for durable jeans, and instead of the uniform flip-flop of california I was desperately seeking a good pair of boots. Needless to say, I was a bit out of my league.
Shopping is always a joy to me. I am an avid vogue reader, and at this time in my life where my style is going to have to change completely, this month's vogue has been of great interest to me. What came of the most interest is that every designer is channeling Kurt Cobain this season.
Kurt's style was everywhere in the 90's, even polo wearing yuppies were starting to smell the teen spirit. All of the sudden plaid was cool, and a flannel shirt was a must...oh, and don't forget NOT to shower. Now, that Kurt is back and I am desperately wondering if plaid really does make me look fat, I can't help but wonder if that is what Kurt would really want. Would Kurt really want to be the epitome of back to school cool? Aren't we talking about a guy who hated anything to do with popular culture, fashion, media, and well, just anything that any yuppy would find remotely interesting? I wonder if Karl Lagerfield gave that any thought when he sent his models down the runway this season wearing stripped flannel shirts and sky high platforms...something leads me to believe the opposite.
You see, the thing is, that no matter how wierd you look, no matter how ugly you are, or how much you try not to go with the crowd, at some point, the crowd is gonna notice you, and probably like you. So, what is there to do really? Just wear what you like...that's what I thought of today when I bought my back to school wardrobe. I like my new leather jacket, which makes me feel like a bad ass Brad Pitt in fight club...don't worry it's not red! I like my grey wash jeans that make my ass look better than George Micheal's on his infamous album cover. I like my preppy polo that I don't think that I could live in London with out. And, I definately like my kiwi green peacoat, that reminds me of California cool.
So, when shopping for your new wardrobe of the school year remember to buy what you like. I know that I have one more purchase to make...a plaid oversized polo in and Ode To Kurt Cobain!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

All things love, fashion, and music...

I'll start this blog, by starting this blog... I believe that's enough said. I want this to be about all things love, fashion, and music. Love in the sense, of all things that I love and my readers love...if I have any. Fashion...well we have to talk about fashion, and style. What it exactly means to have style, and how exactly style should change the way we see the world and the world sees us. one true love. I don't believe that I could do this blog without writing about music. So...once a week I will post a list of "What's Rockin'." I don't want my list to be an exact carbon copy of what is on MTV at the moment, but, let's not get mad if there are a couple of mainstream artists that show up now and again. I also, want it to be okay to admit that we all listened to the Spice Girls or even Hanson at some point. Music, although I take it rather seriously, should at all times be fun.
So...that's is my prologue. Nothing too special, I am saving all the good stuff for a later date.
This is Lucy in the sky with diamonds signing off, and remember don't eat yellow snow!